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CE marking according to European Directives
The affixing of the CE marking to a product obliges the manufacturer to comply with the rules agreed within the territory of the European Union with regard to safety, performance and environmental impact, as well as providing a guarantee to the consumer that the product in question conforms with these regulations. Both in its own laboratories and in collaboration with third party companies, Beghelli designs and tests its products with a particular focus on these issues, only affixing the CE marking after the comprehensive testing process has been successfully completed.
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Guaranteed safety
Beghelli products are certified by leading national and international organisations. In particular, Beghelli products are approved by the IMQ (Italian Quality Mark Institute), a leading organisation which tests products to ensure that they comply with key technical standards. The affixing of the IMQ mark (issued by the Italian Quality Mark Institute) serves as a guarantee of safety.
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Guaranteed quality, safety and performance, certified at European level
Beghelli lighting and emergency lighting products bear the European ENEC quality mark, issued by ENEC Group certification bodies (including the IMQ).
The ENEC mark certifies the safety and performance of products, with reference to European standards, and is issued only to companies with ISO 9000-certified quality systems which ensure that the fundamental characteristics of products remain unchanged over time.
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Safe use of devices in potentially explosive environments
The ATEX Directive establishes the essential safety requirements for protective products and systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres.
Beghelli offers a range of equipment (lighting, emergency lighting) that is certified as being suitable for use in ATEX-classified areas (02 and 22). These products are characterised as belonging to the "nA" protection mode, i.e. "non-sparking" products which offer a high degree of protection and low surface temperatures.
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CEI (Italian Electrotechnical Committee)
Beghelli is a member of the CEI, and plays an active role in CEI working group meetings. Through the latter, the company is also part of a number of international committees that report to the IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission). As a key component in these groups, Beghelli actively assists in the preparation of technical standards relating to the safety and performance of products and components. The company's participation in the activities of leading standardisation bodies serves as a guarantee that Beghelli's product offering is constantly updated and developed. Beghelli products are manufactured in compliance with CEI regulations and requirements. The law requires companies to build products and systems "in accordance with the principles of best practice" and stipulates the methods to be used in order to achieve this, through the application of CEI regulations.
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Quality certifications
In full awareness of the importance of operating within an adequate quality system, since 1995, Beghelli has been using an ISO 9001-certified quality system. This system has been extended to all activities, from the design process to the delivery of the finished products. This enables the company to guarantee the quality of the products and services as advertised.
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Respect for the environment
Beghelli has always dedicated great attention to safeguarding the environment. As testament to this commitment, the company has implemented an ISO 14001-certified environmental management system, which is applied across the entire production chain.