
Corporate social and environmental responsibility are among the new drivers for consumer purchasing choices
24 April 2024
Corporate social and environmental responsibility are among the new drivers for consumer purchasing choices
The European Green Deal has been relaunched by European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and its increasingly challenging goals. But the opportunity for companies (and brands) is to be able to grasp new sensitivities and demands coming from the market, as well as from investors and stakeholders.
Energy storage. The technological solution to use the energy produced when you really need it.
29 January 2024
Energy storage. The technological solution to use the energy produced when you really need it.
The amount of renewable energy produced should not be wasted. It is essential to store it so that it can be used when it is needed, whether in the home or business.
COP 28: Final agreement sets out exit from fossil fuels
27 December 2023
COP 28: Final agreement sets out exit from fossil fuels
The just-concluded COP28 ratified a historic agreement signed by all world leaders to move away from fossil fuels in energy systems.
Focus on climate change is a priority for the future for Generation Z and Millennials
07 December 2023
Focus on climate change is a priority for the future for Generation Z and Millennials
Cost of living, climate change, unemployment, economic growth, income inequality are the main concerns of the youngest in Italy.
Sanitizing is essential to make healthier air in environments, especially in autumn and winter
23 November 2023
Sanitizing is essential to make healthier air in environments, especially in autumn and winter
About 90% of our time is spent indoors, at home, at school, at work, in public buildings and in leisure time in general. The health of the air affects every age group but especially the most vulnerable: children, the elderly and people with diseases such as asthma and heart disease.
From 1 September, several types of less energy-efficient light bulbs will be discontinued
07 September 2023
From 1 September, several types of less energy-efficient light bulbs will be discontinued
Another deadline set by the European Ecodesign Directive (EU) 2019/2020, which gradually phases out non energy-efficient light bulbs. A measure to combat energy waste, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and spread the culture of an increasingly circular and sustainable economy.
Strategic solar energy in the global energy transition
31 August 2023
Strategic solar energy in the global energy transition
In constant growth, Italy is at the 5th position in Europe for the production of solar energy. But the 2030 goals are a challenge for the entire country system.
Lighting market driven by LEDs grows
29 June 2023
Lighting market driven by LEDs grows

The global lighting market continues to perform strongly in 2022: USD 120 billion, with an estimated annual growth rate of more than 7% over the next five years. In Europe, the total market, comprising luminaires, lamps and digitally controlled lighting systems, is worth around EUR 22.5 billion, with growth of 8% by 2021, according to the CSIL and Expert Market Research report.

LED systems bring energy savings of up to 78%
14 April 2023
LED systems bring energy savings of up to 78%
Last March, the European Parliament approved the green house directive, a measure aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption in the building sector by 2030, with the aim of achieving climate neutrality by 2050.
Electrical blackouts: solutions for workplace safety
13 March 2023
Electrical blackouts: solutions for workplace safety

Technical problems, short circuits, overloads of the electricity network, there are many causes that can cause a blackout, with serious consequences for people's safety. For this reason, emergency systems are of fundamental importance, guaranteeing reserve lighting to end the activities in progress and safety lighting to evacuate the premises without risk to people.

Viruses, bacteria and antibiotic resistance under the lens of scientists
02 March 2023
Viruses, bacteria and antibiotic resistance under the lens of scientists

Despite the end of the pandemic, health institutions invite us not to let our guard down because global warming due to climate change could increase the circulation of viruses and bacteria, moreover antibiotic resistance could increase the risk of new epidemics.

Smart cities: the future is increasingly green
23 February 2023
Smart cities: the future is increasingly green
Smart cities, or smart cities, are becoming increasingly popular in Italy, also in the wake of European policies to reduce emissions and diversify towards renewable energy sources.
EU streamlines process for installing solar energy systems
26 January 2023
EU streamlines process for installing solar energy systems
Starting this year, the authorization procedure for the installation of solar energy equipment in the countries of the European Union cannot exceed three months.