Beghelli Group's first Sustainability Report published
Energy efficiency and solar energy storage systems are key aspects of our first Sustainability Report, we focus on these two markets, both for their great relevance and perspective and for their contribution to combating climate change.
For us, being environmentally sustainable means not only producing and working while respecting the environment, but also offering innovative products and services that reduce energy consumption and the use of fossil fuels, and therefore emissions. In fact, since 2006, Beghelli Servizi has been offering integrated services for the implementation and management of interventions to reduce primary energy consumption in industrial, tertiary lighting and public buildings, allowing energy savings of up to more than 90 percent. In 2022, Beghelli Solare was born, a range of solar energy storage products that optimize the electricity produced by photovoltaic panels, allowing energy savings in the bill and protecting consumers and businesses from continuous increases in electricity prices.
"Our product and service offerings are developed in key areas such as lighting, energy efficiency and renewable energy, segments that are of paramount importance not only economically but also in improving people's lives and protecting the environment."
This was the comment of Gian Pietro Beghelli, Chairman of Beghelli SpA, who continued, "Sales of storage systems for photovoltaic systems are making a positive contribution to the Group's revenues, which in the first quarter of this year exceeded forecasts and demonstrate the relevance and perspective of this market segment."
Sustainability Leaders 2022
Also confirming our company's commitment to sustainability came the recognition by Il Sole 24 Ore, in collaboration with the analysis company Statista, to include Beghelli in the list of the 200 most sustainable Italian companies in 2022.
The study aims to identify the companies that are investing the most in ESG issues, rewarding those companies that are committed day-to-day with concrete actions in the environmental, social and corporate governance fields.
Our company was confirmed as a "Sustainability Leader" for the third year, an achievement certified by the nation's largest business newspaper and an international analytical firm for its tangible commitment to the environment, community and consumers.