Sustainability leaders 2022
The recognition given by Il Sole 24 Ore and Statista for our commitment to sustainability
We are among the leading companies in sustainability in Italy in the ranking published by Il Sole 24 Ore developed in collaboration with Statista, which examined various indicators to evaluate the 3 dimensions of sustainability: Environmental, Social and Economic.
The study aims to identify the companies that are investing the most in ESG issues, rewarding the realities that commit themselves day by day with concrete actions in the environmental, social and corporate governance fields.
For the second year, our company has been confirmed as "Leader of sustainability", a result certified by the leading national economic newspaper and by an international analysis company for its tangible commitment to the environment, the community and consumers.
What is the “Sustainability Leader” award?
Il Sole24Ore and Statista measured about forty indicators capable of offering a complete assessment of the concept of sustainability. Environmental aspects such as waste management, the use of energy from renewable sources, carbon dioxide emissions, energy and water consumption and certifications were examined; social, such as the number of accidents at work, welfare policies, employee training and social projects; and corporate governance, from transparency with the online publication of reports to investments in research and innovation.
The result of the rigorous examination is the list of 200 companies defined as sustainability leaders.
We work for a more sustainable future
For many years we have been oriented towards energy saving and the protection of our planet and we are committed to activities and initiatives that are part of the culture of sustainability:
- we invest heavily in R&D activities
- we promote an open dialogue with employees, organisations, shareholders, government institutions, customers, suppliers and local communities
- we place the full satisfaction of the customer and the quality of the products at the centre
- we pay attention to environmental issues, in terms of the impact of our production activities and our products
- we take care of waste reduction, waste recovery and use recyclable packaging
- with our luminaires we maximize the savings of our buildings and those of our customers