10 January 2024

SanificaAria Beghelli back in communication

We kick off the new year with an intense advertising campaign

Beginning in January and continuing throughout 2024, an advertising schedule will bring Beghelli products to prominence on TV and Radio..
Already from January 14 to 27, the commercial dedicated to SanificaAria is on air.
It is important to continue to protect people's lives and work in indoor environments. The Beghelli sanitizer sucks in air and puts it back into sanitized circulation, continuously, eliminating viruses, bacteria and any variant of Covid! and does so safely while people are present in the environment. It is also effective against flu and seasonal colds.
The advertising campaign is planned on TV for two consecutive weeks, in the 30-second format, on MEDIASET networks: Canale5, Italia1, Rete 4, 20, Iris, TGCom24, La5, Top Crime, Mediaset Extra.
In conjunction with TV and until February 3, a major a radio campaign is also on air on the main radio stations: Radio 105, Virgin Radio, Radio MonteCarlo and R101.


Life is in the air we breathe!