03 October 2024

Beghelli becomes official partner of the CER Italy Foundation for Energy Transition

The agreement to promote the installation of photovoltaic systems by citizens and businesses across the country was signed today. 

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The agreement between Beghelli and Fondazione CER Italia was signed today, a concrete joint commitment to support active participation in energy communities by local authorities, citizens and companies that join forces to generate, consume and share renewable energy locally, pursuing the goal of partial energy self-sufficiency.
The CER Italia Foundation, set up on the initiative of the Municipality of Montevarchi and Energy Montevarchi Srl, following the issuing of the CACER decree and the GSE rules, is the first CER to act throughout Italy.
One can join from any part of Italy, as a simple consumer, benefiting from a saving of up to 30% on the energy bill, and as a prosumer - producer and consumer of energy - if one has rooftop or shed space for the installation of a photovoltaic system, reducing energy costs by up to 60%, thanks to the energy produced and self-consumed and that fed into the CER and incentivised.

Beghelli will provide members of the Foundation with the opportunity to use the services of design, construction, testing and routine maintenance of photovoltaic systems, at reserved economic conditions.
Thanks to this sharing system, a community fabric is created that optimises the use of renewable energy, producing a general economic, environmental, cultural and social benefit.

The President of the CER Italia Foundation and Mayor of Montevarchi Dr. Silvia Chiassai Martini declares, ‘I welcome the partnership with Beghelli with great enthusiasm. The memorandum of understanding that has been signed marks a significant opportunity in the promotion of active participation by all in the production, consumption and exchange of energy from renewable sources for all and throughout the country’.
‘A heartfelt thank you to Beghelli, which has always been at the side of citizens‘ needs for the improvement of their quality of life, and which has recognised the value of our Foundation and decided to offer concrete support to the members of our Energy Community, helping them to make the most appropriate choice for their photovoltaic systems’.


‘It is crucial that we continue to spread the culture of environmental, social and economic sustainability. We support Energy Communities and through influential partners such as the CER Foundation Italy we confirm our active commitment to the transition to a sustainable energy future. [...] Our technology combines photovoltaic systems with storage systems and home automation. This optimises energy production and conscious energy consumption. This translates into energy self-sufficiency, sustainability and environmental protection.’
Luca Beghelli, Marketing and Communication Director of the Beghelli Group.